A random assortment of files. Either usefull for restoring retro PC's, or remnants of old web 1.0 pages.
Files are still being added, so you might find new ones on your next visit.
03.08.2022 9.856.350 abiword-setup-2.9.4.exe Lightweight word processor - Latest version for Windows
30.09.2022 10.432.544 ar505enu.exe Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.05 English US
30.09.2022 10.948.544 ar505nld.exe Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.05 Dutch NL (Nederlands)
07.09.2020 1.529.484 banaan.zip
07.09.2020 10.969 bigbrother.htm
25.07.2022 188.416 checkin_fontfix.exe Font fix for Tokimeki Check-in!
30.09.2022 504.320 daemon347.exe DAEMON Tools 3.47 (latest version for Windows 98)
26.09.2022 43.574.432 DeathRallyWin_10.exe Windows port of Death Rally by Remedy
07.09.2020 294.749 dijken.zip
30.09.2022 13.429.504 DTLite4491-0356.exe DAEMON Tools Lite 4.49.1 (best version for WinXP)
30.09.2022 81.004 EMP101E.zip EmPipe 1.01E (16-bit) with PC-speaker sound
30.09.2022 175.696 emp121e.exe EmPipe 1.21 (32-bit) with Midi sound
07.09.2020 8.062 favicon.ico
30.09.2022 3.537.205 FileZilla_2_2_30a_setup.exe FilaZilla 2.2.30 (latest version for Win98-use filezilla98.zip + zlib1.dll)
30.09.2022 4.968.079 FileZilla_3.8.0_win32-setup.exe FileZilla 3.8.0 (latest version for WinXP)
30.09.2022 661.142 filezilla98.zip Recplacement executable compiled to run in Win98
30.09.2022 10.361.813 F-PROT_DOS_LATESTDEF.zip F-PROT 3.16f for DOS with definitions from 4 february 2009 (latest, I think
30.09.2022 8.721.008 geany-1.24_setup.exe Geany 1.24 (latest version for Windows XP)
03.08.2022 21.149.805 gnumeric-1.12.17-20140610.exe Lightweight spreadsheet editor - Latest version for Windows
18.07.2021 1.698.989 haven.zip Rotterdamse Haven (MS-DOS)
30.09.2022 2.107.584 hw32_238.exe HWiNFO32 2.38-207 (2009)
30.09.2022 2.449.976 hw32_380.exe HWiNFO32 3.80
30.09.2022 7.101.976 jarte_plus_62_setup.exe Jarte Plus 6.2 - Lightweight word processor for Windows 98 and up
07.09.2020 7.152 jerryvinger.htm
30.09.2022 1.017.846 lanlights.exe Taskbar program for Win98 to display LAN activity
07.09.2020 825.431 mcpower.zip
10.08.2020 652.800 microsoftfixit50033 - updates mediaplayer uitschakelen.msi
10.08.2020 651.264 microsoftfixit50064 - oude bestanden comprimeren uitschakelen.msi
07.09.2020 461.748 milieu.zip Thuis in het Milieu (MS-DOS)
30.09.2022 774.144 nusb33e.exe USB storage driver for Windows 98
30.09.2022 992.768 nusb36e.exe USB storage driver for Windows 98
29.09.2022 1.396 oeminfo.ini
29.09.2022 43.256 oemlogo.bmp
30.09.2022 17.675.776 pdfcreator-0_9_9_setup.exe PDFCreator 0.9.9 (supports Windows 98)
30.09.2022 17.873.152 pdfcreator-1_0_2_setup.exe PDFCreator 1.0.2 (supports Windows 98)
30.09.2022 519.689 QuikMenu 3.1 (3.5).7z
30.09.2022 972.732 QuikMenu_3_Stuff.zip Another collection of Weeds modifications
30.09.2022 207.966 QuikMenu_III_Weeds_Icons_Library.zip Some of Weeds modifications for QuikMenu III
07.09.2020 3.021 quiz.htm
07.09.2020 638.046 radvf.zip Rad van Fortuin (MS-DOS)
07.09.2020 723.906 redcat.rar
30.09.2022 13.086.720 retrozilla-2.2.en-US.win32.installer.exe Modern-ish browser for Windows 98 (latest version at this time)
07.09.2020 1.156.540 road.swf Trip Nnemonic by MikeNnemonic in flash video
18.07.2021 1.698.989 rotterdamsehaven.zip Rotterdamse Haven (MS-DOS)
13.09.2020 3.037.812 sdp.mp3 SunChaser dance party (Dutch)
03.08.2022 1.682.027 spread32.zip Extremely lightweight spreadsheet editor
30.09.2022 16.238.080 sesp203nl.exe Unofficial Service Pack for Windows 98 (dutch)
07.09.2020 7.782 soap.html
30.09.2022 82.033 tweakui.zip TweakUI (98 version)
30.09.2022 150.192 TweakUiPowertoySetup.exe TweakUI (XP version)
07.09.2020 615 urlscanner.html Image browser for unbrowsable directories
07.09.2020 7.112 urlscanner2.html
07.09.2020 2.058 urlscannerhelp.html
07.09.2020 8.312.220 werk_in_uitvoering.zip
30.09.2022 333.238 winbar 1.2.95 setup.exe
30.09.2022 285.023 winbar-2.0.1-x86.exe
30.09.2022 1.709.160 windows_installer_2.exe Required for installing DAEMON Tools 3.47 in Windows 98
17.07.2019 2.220.872 winrar-x64-550.exe Last version of WinRAR with old iconset
04.01.2018 2.549.872 winrar-x64-550nl.exe Last version of WinRAR with old iconset (dutch)
07.09.2020 8.333.823 wiusetup.exe Werk in Uitvoering
30.09.2022 1.206.366 wrar371.exe Supports Windows 98
30.09.2022 1.283.286 wrar371nl.exe Supports Windows 98 (dutch)
17.07.2019 1.997.168 wrar550.exe Latest version of WinRAR with old iconset
17.07.2019 2.326.288 wrar550nl.exe Latest version of WinRAR with old iconset (dutch)
02.10.2022 107.520 zlib1.dll Required to run FileZilla 2.2.30 in Windows 98
07.09.2020 124.417 zorg.zip
30.09.2022 3.415.592 WindowsXP-KB955704-x86-NLD_(exfat).exe Adds exfat support to XP (dutch) - Mysteriously removed from MS Servers
Total: 269.188.549 67 Files